Monday 11 September 2017

Inquiry (Why you should put your settings private)

     Why you should put your settings private

Why you should put your settings private? It’s for your safety. You should have your settings private so you don’t give out your personal information, or your house number. When you don’t put your settings private other people might stalk you or tries to kidnap you. Oops I should put my settings private, See ya!
Image result for Private

Inquiry (Why age ratings are there)

Screenshot 2017-08-30 at 2.11.21 PM.pngsnapchat에 대한 이미지 검색결과
                 Why age
ratings are there

This slide will tell you why age ratings are there. First of all Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter many other things have age ratings. The age ratings are there so you can be safe, but only when if you follow the instruction. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram are only for 13 years old or older. Do you have Snapchat, Facebook, twitter or Instagram?  Do you use it? If you use it, It could mean you lied about your age. It’s okay, but you could get in serious danger.
facebook에 대한 이미지 검색결과Screenshot 2017-08-30 at 2.06.58 PM.png          Why you should put your settings private

Why you should put your settings private? It’s for your safety. You should have your settings private so you don’t give out your personal information, or your house number. When you don’t put your settings private other people might stalk you or tries to kidnap you. Oops I should put my settings private, See ya!

Monday 4 September 2017

Speech (Don't keep animals in zoos)

Do animals belong in the wild? or do animals belong in zoos? animals never belonged in zoos. so today I'm going to talk about why we should not keep animals in zoos.
First of all, when animals get captured by the zoo keepers, how would the animals feel? and not just the captured one, think about the family too. I have a question,  how would you feel when turn into animals and gets caged and lose your family? how would you feel? I would feel sad and scared. 
Another reason why we should not keep animals in zoo is, the animals have a tiny amount of space to play in. You know how bored you can be when you are locked inside a room right? that's how animals feel in a tiny space of room. Here's a fun fact! Did you know, in the wild elephant walks 30 miles a day! That's way bigger then the elephants cage! And lions and tigers loves to climb up walls and run around but they don't have room to run or climb up the walls...
Lastly animals were free in the wild eating, playing, and other things, but when humans got animals in zoos, there was quite a lot of people visiting there so they got more money, so they chose to get more animals. Animals don't like to be caged or treated like that. animals can feel sad in the wild, but way happier then the zoos, but in the zoos they will be sad to be in a cage not in the wild playing with their friends. Some animals gets kicked or get stressed by the people watching. Imagine you are treated like that... I don't even wanna imagine that. But would you like to be treated like that? I will say no.
Now to sum it all up, I talked about why we should not keep animals in zoos, and I wish animals gets free in the wild.